
Recruiting is Simply Inviting with Guest Heather S. Burns

The last episode of the month, we are enjoying a guest interview and this week you will be blessed by Heather...

Heather Shriver Burns is the founder and podcast host of Seek First CEO, where she offers coaching and mentorship to help Kingdom entrepreneurs achieve more profit and peace without sacrificing their sanity, health, or relationships.

With a decade of experience building 6-8 figure businesses, Heather found her calling in leading, mentoring and teaching other ambitious, servant-hearted female entrepreneurs how to partner with the Father to fulfill their purpose and calling. 

She created Seek First CEO to share the integrated approach she developed through her own entrepreneurial journey and certifications - blending neuroscience, Biblical principles, and practical business strategy. She loves helping clients with their mindset, "heart-set", and soul-care to overcome any barriers keeping them from reaching their full potential. 

Heather doesn't do surface, so, get ready to go deep and get to the heart of the matter quickly so you can get unstuck and grow your faith and your business. 

Connect with Heather!

WEBSITE: www.heathershriverburns.com PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/seek-first-ceo-mindset-heartset-biblical-principles/id1527176273https://www.instagram.com/heathershriverburns/

INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/heathershriverburns/