
Freedom Series Interview with Sonia Molina!

A wonderful interview with this power house entrepreneur... Sonia Molina!

Let's hear Sonia introduce herself...

I live in sunny California! I am a wife, mama of two grown boys, and a top network marketing leader with 25+ years in the industry-leading and mentoring thousands of women (and men) in their businesses. I am also a John C Maxwell Coach/mentor and mindset coach. I love helping people get out of their way by building their mindset skills so they can be used to their fullest potential! I love learning and have been obsessed with personal development since before I knew it was called “personal development.” I knew one day I would use all those years of learning to grow to the top and help others do the same! I truly believe God has a purpose and a plan for each of us and by showing up every single day we can show HIM that we are intentionally fulfilling his purpose in our lives.