
How to Sell Without Being Salesy, #6 in series, "Sales from a Kingdom Perspective"

How to sell without ever feeling salesy -- ever again! I am going to share with you a few simple key words that are going to allow you to step into a NEW mindset and start SEEING results fast in your business when it comes to "selling"! Take note of the simple (life &) business changing 2 letter, 3 letter and 4 letter words that when used, will RADICALLY change your ability to sell from your heart instead of your head! Ready to discover the tools and resources that can get you to go from “struggling paycheck to paycheck” to “thriving as a Kingdom entrepreneur” in this industry?!! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Learn How and Connect with Community of Women on Mission Inside The FREE Kingdom Dreamchasers Facebook Group Here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/kingdomdreamchaserswithgailroot Great Teaching on the Go- Listen to the Kingdom Dreamchasers Podcast Here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kdcwithgailroot/episodes/Trailer---Who-Are-Kingdom-Dreamchasers-e1gcvvk/a-a7n0m7r Get Positioned to Prosper and Master Your Morning inside one of Gail's Upcoming Live Events for Christian Women in Direct Sales https://gailroot.com/events Ready to Uplevel Your Business? Book a Discovery Call with Gail here: https://calendly.com/gailroot/20min?month=2023-10 AWAKEN -you and your business- to all God has planned for you! See what Gail has to offer here: https://gailroot.com/services/#section-gneJLlv25S MASTER YOUR MORNING & Change Everything: Order the Book Here: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Morning-Change-Everything-Life-Transforming/dp/B0C5KFTHPS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3W0JMQLJW8FYS&keywords=master+your+morning+and+change+everything&qid=1697734002&sprefix=master+your+morning+%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-1