
Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude

It’s so easy as kingdom entrepreneurs to remain focused on task after task after task, and forget to pause. We forget to reflect. We forget to be thankful. We forget to acknowledge that every provision that comes our way daily, is from His hand.

Lord forgive us for the times when we act like that child who seems entitled to all of our acts of service and doesn’t thank us. We know how that hurts. We feel unseen, overlooked, not valued. Lord help us to cultivate a heart of gratitude, where we are counting our blessings daily and thanking You for all the gifts You put in our path every day. Help us to intuitively know the fruit that will come from this heart of gratitude - honoring you. Find ways to connect @ www.GailRoot.com

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Visit Gail's website to learn more about Gail's 24/7 Training App Created Exclusively for Women of Faith in Direct Sales and Network Marketing, Her monthly Live Events where for pennies on the dollar you can be trained and coached by one of the Industry's veterans and Kingdom based Business Coach!

Check out her Kingdom Business Course - Six Pillars to Building Your Business on Kingdom Values™.

Grab her book, Master Your Morning & Change Everything on Amazon and...

Perhaps you will choose to be blessed by joining her in a year long life changing Kingdom transformation in her Signature Program, Kingdom Leadership Mastery™!
